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Document Management Module Workbook

Document Management Module Implementation Workbook

Updated over a week ago


The Document Management module is used to store and classify documents, with the ability to create custom document classifications and categories. It enables a review and archival process with automatic version control, as well as document restrictions based on Donesafe roles (4 available).

Your Implementation Manager will share the due date for completing this workbook in the project plan.

Key Features

Each key feature mentioned below builds upon the last diagram to build understanding before the ‘bringing it all together’ diagram which shows all features and the flow of the module.


The Workflow outlines the key stages that a module works through and is used as the framework for other aspects of the build. Each key stage is represented by a bubble icon and any relevant checks that may interact with the flow written on the progress lines.


Involvements capture the People Involved in the Document management process. There is one primary ‘Document Owner’ involvement within the Document Management module, with additional owners able to be added.

Involvements are represented by the addition of the blue person boxes below (also known as swim lanes).

Notifications and Actions

This module includes Notifications and Actions to assist your users successfully action and resolve records. All notifications, including being advised of an action that has been set, are emailed to the relevant person.

In our flow diagram, Notifications and Actions are represented by the below icons:

Additional Features


Indicators gather valuable information from the module to provide a visual reference on the record page and in registers.

Bringing it All Together

Overview of Configuration

The incidents module aims to achieve a best practice solution; however, we understand that each client is unique. The following configuration can accommodate your unique needs:

  • 10 question changes (that are not mandatory as part of the automations) to each form.

    • Changing a question (question text, help details)

    • Adding new questions to a form

  • Marking any question as mandatory

  • Changing the order of questions in a form

  • Removal of questions (that are not mandatory as part of the automations)

  • Notification adjustments –

    • Adjustments to the body text and logo of the prebuilt notifications

    • Up to 3 new configurable notifications for this module

    • Customise the timing of overdue time-based notifications

Configuration options are referred to as ‘Configuration Requirements’. Further information on how to complete your Configuration Requirements is outlined in the next section.

Configuration Requirements and Actionable Items

After the walkthrough of the Document Management module, you will be provided access for a more in-depth look. We encourage you to take this opportunity to review the specifics of the module and complete the configuration requirements below.

There is one supporting Guidance document for this Module:

  • “Question Guidance” provides detailed information on the types of questions you can include in forms.

Document Form Changes:

This includes the main form and document detail display form.

Form changes can include:

  • 10 question changes (that are not mandatory as part of the automations)

    • Changing a question (question text, help details)

    • Adding new questions to a form

  • Marking a question as mandatory

  • Changing the order of questions in a form

  • Removal of questions (that are not mandatory as part of the automations)

Document Review Changes:

The Document Review form is responsible for reviewing the document at scheduled intervals to determine whether the document is still relevant and up to date.

Form changes can include:

  • 10 question changes (that are not mandatory as part of the automations)

    • Changing a question (question text, help details)

    • Adding new questions to a form

  • Marking a question as mandatory

  • Changing the order of questions in a form

  • Removal of questions (that are not mandatory as part of the automations)

Notification Changes:

There are notifications set to send after certain triggers in the workflow of the module to prompt users via email to action certain tasks.

Changes can include:

  • Addition of your logo to the Notifications

  • Changes to the body text of the Notification

  • Changes to the timing of overdue time-based notifications

The current notifications are outlined below, and space has been provided if you wish to change the body text of the message. All notifications will contain a link to the record.

Changing the text is not necessary if the current message suits your needs.


During the implementation of this module, project and Hypercare period, your Implementation Manager is happy to provide support and guidance, and we encourage you to reach out with any queries.

At the end of the Hypercare period, your Implementation Manager will inform you of your new contact for support.

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