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Plant & Equipment Module Workbook

Plant & Equipment Module Implementation Workbook

Updated over a week ago


The Plant & Equipment module solution supports your organisation in managing the various Plant & Equipment ‘Types’ throughout your business. Customisable Plant & Equipment ‘Types’ allow for you to tailor the solution to your companies’ unique needs in accordance with the various Plant & Equipment deployed across your business. Customisable service and maintenance tracking options per ‘Type’ allows you to set specific schedules and reminder thresholds tailored to your needs.

This document provides guidance on how the modules work and interact, options for configuration, and actions required to complete your configuration requirements for implementation.

Your Implementation Manager will share the timeframes for completing this workbook in the project plan.

Key Features

Each key feature mentioned below builds upon the last diagram to enhance understanding before the ‘bringing it all together’ diagram, which shows all features and the flow of the module.

Module Solution Inclusions

The Plant & Equipment module solution has five included modules that are interlinked but have distinct processes.

  • Plant & Equipment Types

  • Plant & Equipment Register

  • Pre-Starts

  • Take 5s

  • Inspections

An overview of each of these will be outlined in the sections below.

Plant & Equipment Types Module

The Plant & Equipment Types module enables you to build a list of the different distinct ‘Types’ of Plant & Equipment used across your organisation. Each distinct ‘Type’ can have different inclusions and requirements.

Plant & Equipment Register Module

The Plant & Equipment Register is the primary module of the solution. This is where each piece of Plant & Equipment will be logged and tracked across your organisation. This module also houses links to the other module inclusions.

Inspections Module

The Inspections module is a self-service ‘Checklist’ style module with an inbuilt review step. You can add Inspections over time, and a brief overview on how to create and manage these is provided in the appendix of this workbook.

Take 5 Module

The Take 5 module is a self-service ‘Checklist’ style module. You can add Take 5s over time, and a brief overview on how to create and manage these is provided in the appendix of this workbook.

Pre-Start Module

The Pre-Start module is a self-service ‘Checklist’ style module. In addition to the check itself, it also includes service/maintenance tracking and notifications for upcoming scheduled service/maintenance. You can add Pre-Starts over time, and a brief overview on how to create and manage these is provided in the appendix of this workbook.

Notifications and Actions

This module includes Notifications and Actions to assist your users in successfully actioning and resolving records. All notifications, including being advised of an action that has been set, are emailed to the relevant person.

In our flow diagram, Notifications and Actions are represented by the icons below:


Indicators display important information on the record summary page and record register.

Document Export

A prebuilt document export is available within the Plant & Equipment Register module containing basic details of the Plant & Equipment and a QR code to link to the record.

Bringing it All Together

The diagram below shows how the set of modules each link into the Plant & Equipment Register.

Overview of Configuration

The Plant & Equipment module set aims to achieve a best practice solution; however, we understand that each client is unique. The following configuration can accommodate your unique needs:

  • 10 question changes (that are not mandatory as part of the automations)

    • Changing a question (question text, help details)

    • Adding new questions to a form

  • Marking a question as mandatory

  • Changing the order of questions in a form

  • Removal of questions (that are not mandatory as part of the automations)

  • Notification adjustments –

    • Adjustments to the body text of core notifications and logo

    • Up to 3 new configurable notifications for this module

    • Customise the timeframes for each of the timeframe-based notifications.

Configuration options are referred to as ‘Configuration Requirements’. Further information on how to complete your Configuration Requirements is outlined in the next section.

Configuration Requirements and Actionable Items

After the walkthrough of the Plant & Equipment solution, you will be provided access for a more in-depth look. We encourage you to take this opportunity to review the specifics of the module and complete the configuration requirements below.

“Question Guidance” provides detailed information on the types of questions you can include in forms.

Plant & Equipment Type Changes

This includes the main form where the user creates the record and the standalone risk assessment form.

Form changes can include:

  • 10 question changes (that are not mandatory as part of the automations)

    • Changing a question (question text, help details)

    • Adding new questions to a form

  • Marking a question as mandatory

  • Changing the order of questions in a form

  • Removal of questions (that are not mandatory as part of the automations)

Note: If using the Donesafe standard risk modules, then ignore the below and instead refer to your Risk management workbook.

Plant & Equipment Register Changes

This includes the main form of the Plant & Equipment Register where the user creates the record, the standalone risk assessment form, the Service & Maintenance form, the operators form, and the documentation form.

Form changes can include:

  • 10 question changes (that are not mandatory as part of the automations)

    • Changing a question (question text, help details)

    • Adding new questions to a form

  • Marking a question as mandatory

  • Changing the order of questions in a form

  • Removal of questions (that are not mandatory as part of the automations)

Note: If using the Donesafe standard risk modules, then ignore the below and instead refer to your Risk management workbook.

Inspection Changes

This includes the main form where the user creates the record and the review form.

Form changes can include:

  • 10 question changes (that are not mandatory as part of the automations)

    • Changing a question (question text, help details)

    • Adding new questions to a form

  • Marking a question as mandatory

  • Changing the order of questions in a form

  • Removal of questions (that are not mandatory as part of the automations)

Pre-Start Changes

This includes the main form where the user creates the record.

Form changes can include:

  • 10 question changes (that are not mandatory as part of the automations)

    • Changing a question (question text, help details)

    • Adding new questions to a form

  • Marking a question as mandatory

  • Changing the order of questions in a form

  • Removal of questions (that are not mandatory as part of the automations)

Take 5 Changes

This includes the main form where the user creates the record.

Form changes can include:

  • 10 question changes (that are not mandatory as part of the automations)

    • Changing a question (question text, help details)

    • Adding new questions to a form

  • Marking a question as mandatory

  • Changing the order of questions in a form

  • Removal of questions (that are not mandatory as part of the automations)

Notification Changes:

There are notifications set to send after certain triggers in the workflow of the module to prompt users via email to action certain tasks.

Changes can include:

  • Addition of your logo to the notifications

  • Changes to the body text of the notification

  • Change to the timeframes for time-based notifications

The current notifications are outlined below, and space has been provided if you wish to change the body text of the message. All notifications will contain a link to the record.

Changing the text is not necessary if the current message suits your needs.


During the implementation of this module, project and Hypercare period, your Implementation Manager is happy to provide support and guidance, and we encourage you to reach out with any queries.

At the completion of the Hypercare period, your Implementation Manager will advise you of your new contact for support.


Organising your information:

Below is an example of how to organise your information prior to building a checklist/course and how the below would appear in the system. Organising your information can provide a reminder on what settings may need to be used to help you stay on track when adding your course. The question types can be found in the document called “Question Reference” in your welcome pack.

The above example is represented below as it would appear in the system.

Adding a New Checklist/Course:

Outlined below are the steps for adding a new Checklist/Course.

  1. Click on the settings menu under your profile button (Admin users only)

  2. Navigate to the ‘Selectable Form Management’ option and select the applicable module.

  3. Click on the Add Form option, Name the Checklist/Course and click Create.

    Your Checklist/Course is now Created.

Adding Sections and Questions to a Checklist/Course:

With your Checklist/Course now created (or managing an existing Checklist/Course), you can manage the questions within each of the Checklists/Courses.

To do this:

  1. Go to the Selectable Form Management menu (as described above).

  2. Within the applicable module option, you can see the Checklists/Courses available for that module, whether they are published (active or archived), change the name of the Checklist/Course, and edit the Checklist/Course. Clicking on ‘Edit’ allows you to manage the questions within a Checklist/Course.

  3. Click on the new Section option. A checklist/course must have at least one section; however, more can be used to divide your checklist/course into question groupings.

  4. When adding a new section, you can update the Title, Description text, and add an image for that section.

    1. For a Checklist/Course with no need for groupings, create a single section and place all questions within this section.

    2. For a Checklist/Course that may have many questions or groupings of questions with a similar theme or goal, it may be best to divide these into separate sections.

  5. Once the section is created, click on the new question button to add questions to that section. This is where organising your information first can assist. Depending on the question, there may be different options that you can select or create your list within.

    Some commonly used features in questions are:

    o Making a question mandatory – Select the ‘Required Field?’ checkbox

    o Default options - appear under the ‘Default Type’ list and the options may change depending on the type of field used. Leave this blank if there is no default. In list option questions, selecting ‘Value’ will show a Default button near all the listed responses to select from.

    o List style questions – Items can be added to the list under the ‘Display Value’ area

    o Only Show – Under the ‘Only show when this question’ list, select the question to link the question to and the response that triggers the appearance of this new question.

    o Can Add Action and/or Can Add Attachment – A quick button will appear beside the question and allows users to add actions or attachments.

    We recommend no more than 150 questions per checklist/course. It is important to note that some advanced behaviours can impact the performance of your form. Your Implementation Manager will provide guidance regarding question options and performance.

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