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Contractor Management Module Workbook

Contractor Management Module Implementation Workbook

Updated over a week ago


The Contractor Management module solution supports your organisation in managing contractors and their workers. This document provides guidance on how the modules work and interact, options for configuration, and actions required to complete your configuration requirements for implementation.

Your Implementation Manager will share the timeframes for completing this workbook in the project plan.

Key Features

Each key feature mentioned below builds upon the last diagram to enhance understanding before the ‘bringing it all together’ diagram, which shows all features and the flow of the module.

Module Solution Inclusions

Contractor management focuses on two main areas:

  • Company Register

  • Worker Registers

Supporting these registers

  • Configuration to capture the documents that workers and companies may need to provide to become active in your organisation.

  • Configuration to align Professions to their required documents.

  • Company Documents with an expiry process

  • Worker Documents with an expiry process

  • Ratings

An overview for each of these will be outlined in the sections below.

Diagram and Process Overview

In the diagrams below, we will provide details of each of the processes, then draw them together in the ‘Bringing it All Together’ diagram.

For each process:

  • Green notes a starting point

  • Red notes an expiry or end point of that process

  • Orange notes an area where documents must be added to progress

  • Blue and blue lines note processes and flow

  • Green lines (in the ‘Bringing it All Together’ diagram) show how these separate processes link and support each other.

A simplified view of this Module collection is below. The configuration to set up the types of documents needed by contractors is added, the contractor company is then added, and workers are added to it. All related information is then managed ongoing by the relevant people.

The people involved are represented above the stages; overlapping involvements mean this can be managed by multiple people.

Each module will be explained below in detail.

Configuration Module

The Configuration module enables you to build lists for Company Documents, Worker Licences/Qualifications, and Professions to be used in other areas of the modules.

Company Documents and Worker Licences Modules

The Company Documents and Worker Licences are supporting sub-modules. These allow documents to be drawn from the Configuration Module into the Registers.

Contractor Company Register Module

The Company Register allows for the addition and management of Contractor Companies.

The workflow begins with a new company being added and transitions through the below stages until inactive. Once a new company is created, the record can also be used to review and manage linked items such as company documents, workers, other contacts, sub-contractors, and actions.

Contractor Worker Register Module

The Worker Licences allow for the addition and management of Workers within Contractor Companies. This follows a similar workflow to the Company Documents; however, it is managed by the Contractor Manager and Worker.


Indicators display important information on the record summary page and record register.

The Document Status Indicator shows the status of the documents. If any document is outstanding or expired for a company or worker, the indicator will display this value on the relevant record register.


Notifications are represented by the paper plane icon and detailed below in the configuration section of the workbook.

Bringing it All Together

The Configuration, Company, and Worker Register can be accessed separately but are linked via hidden pathways. The way they are linked is shown in the image below, with the hidden pathways indicated in green.

Overview of Configuration

The Contractor Management module group aims to achieve a best practice solution; however, we understand that each client is unique. The following configuration can accommodate your unique needs:

  • 10 question changes (that are not mandatory as part of the automations)

    • Changing a question (question text, help details)

    • Adding new questions to a form

  • Marking a question as mandatory

  • Changing the order of questions in a form

  • Removal of questions (that are not mandatory as part of the automations)

  • Notification adjustments –

    • Adjustments to the body text of core notifications and logo

    • Up to 3 new configurable notifications for this module

    • Customise the timeframes for each of the timeframe-based notifications.

Configuration options are referred to as ‘Configuration Requirements’. Further information on how to complete your Configuration Requirements is outlined in the next section.

Configuration Requirements and Actionable Items

After the walkthrough of the Contractor Management module, you will be given access for a more detailed look. We encourage you to take this opportunity to review the specifics of the module and complete the configuration requirements below.

“Question Guidance” provides detailed information on the types of questions you can include in forms.

Add Contractor Company or Worker Changes:

This includes the main form where the user creates the record. There is a separate form for the Contractor Company and the Worker Register.

Form changes can include:

  • 10 question changes (that are not mandatory as part of the automations)

    • Changing a question (question text, help details)

    • Adding new questions to a form

  • Marking a question as mandatory

  • Changing the order of questions in a form

  • Removal of questions (that are not mandatory as part of the automations)

Notification Changes:

There are notifications set to send after certain triggers in the workflow of the module to prompt users via email to action certain tasks.

Changes can include:

  • Addition of your logo to the notifications

  • Changes to the body text of the notification

  • Change to the timeframes for time-based notifications

The current notifications are outlined below, and space has been provided if you wish to change the body text of the message. All notifications will contain a link to the record.

Changing the text is not necessary if the current message suits your needs.


During the implementation of this module, project and Hypercare period, your Implementation Manager is happy to provide support and guidance and we encourage you to reach out with any queries.

At the completion of the Hypercare period, your Implementation Manager will advise you of your new contact for support.

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